{This post contains a few affiliate links. Thank you for purchasing through my site!}
It is always a relief to get to this point every year, where the the courses are nailed down and the books are ordered! I will post a break-down of each subject and how I tackle each one in an upcoming post. I love to see how families work it all out!
We will add in our Theme of the Day Activities using this schedule:
- Monday with the Masters
- Creativity Tuesday
- Around the World Wednesday
- Poetry Tea Thursday
- Nature Fun Friday
Our students: dd16 (11th), dd14 (9th), ds10 (5th), dd8 (3rd), dd4 (PreK)
Because I overlap curriculum for several ages, I am listing by subject instead of grade.
~ Bible ~
- A Young Historian’s Introduction to Worldview
- Christian Theology and Ancient Polytheism
- Foundations 2: Christ Our Messiah
- (Note: We had been using Bible Road Trip alongside Foundations. I want to go through the New Testament this year, and Danika hasn’t created that yet, but I wanted to give it a shout out as a great & FREE curriculum.)
- Calvary Curriculum (FREE)
- Character Qualities (FREE)
- BibleWise Printables (FREE)
~ History ~
- What Every Child Needs to Know About the Western World
- Calendar Quest
- A History of Us
- Story of the World video links (FREE)
- SOTW & Netflix movie list (FREE)
~ Geography ~
- Trail Guide to World Geography
- Around the World in Eighty Days (FREE)
- Around the World in Eighty Days Unit Study (FREE)
- Around the World in Eighty Dishes (FREE)
~ Science ~
~ Math ~
~ High School Electives ~
- Speech- Philosophy Adventure
- French- Duolingo
~ Writing ~
- The Power in Your Hands: Writing Nonfiction in High School & Teacher’s Guide
- Writing Notebook Printables (FREE)
- Look, Think, and Write (FREE)
~ Grammar ~
- First Language lessons for the Well-Trained Mind Level 3 & workbook
- First Language Lessons for the Well-Trained Mind Level 2
~ Spelling ~
~ Lit/Reading ~
- College Bound Reading List (FREE)
- Book Notes (FREE)
- Building Vocabulary (FREE)
- Book Adventure (FREE)
- Right Into Reading
- Mrs. Perkin’s Dolche Words (FREE)
- Sight Word Sentences (FREE)
~ Handwriting ~
~ Pre-K ~
- Alphabet Resources (FREE)
- Reading the Alphabet (FREE)
- Preschool Calendar Notebook (FREE)
- Poetry Journal (FREE)
- Starfall (FREE)
Note: We don’t complete all of these free lessons. I pick & choose whatever goes with our studies. Didn’t want you to think we homeschool 24/7!
I am completely amazed at the variety of sources you use to homeschool your children! I have an only child and would love to do much more than we do but she doesn’t enjoy “book” learning. Let me clarify that…she loves to read, loves to write, and the majority of her core curriculum is online. She will be completing a couple of lessons from 7th grade, beginning 8th grade in earnest, and adding selected science courses from Time4Learning Interactive High School (http://www.time4learning.com/homeschool/high_school.html#high). Those would be high school sciences. I am going to try to add in the Around the world in 80 days choices you listed. It sounds like a grand adventure, lots of fun and you did the hard work of putting it together for me. Thanks so much for expanding my horizons. I hope you guys have a super year!
Linda, This list is the result of a mommy who is easily bored. HaHa!! Thanks for stopping by!
We have kids of similar ages/grades. I love the variety and your theme activities for each day!
I love your blog name!!
I really love the idea of theme days. Given my son’s obsession with Legos, I’m sure I’d have to make that one of our themes if we ever try this. Thanks for the inspiration!
Thank you for sharing your list! Loved all the FREE LINKS definitely works with my budget 😉
great info… this is our first half yr of traditional homeschooling, before we had been eschooling. My oldest will be in second and my middle daughter will be prek… how do you go about overlapping curriculum? I know some of the stuff will be separate but thought if I could figure out how to do this it would save a lot of time and be more organized since in a few more yrs we will also have our son in school with the girls.
Great question! Your kids are at the perfect age to start combining. My kids have different math and language arts books, but we do almost everything else together. I decide what we want to learn for the year and then gather age appropriate materials for each subject. A downside to boxed curriculum is that different grade levels are studying different topics, so I use an eclectic approach and choose my own books. For example, all your little ones can do the Exploring Creation science books from Apologia. It is fun to have everyone making the same project or doing an experiment together. Science, History, Geography, and Bible are pretty simple to do as a group. I sneak in extras like Art using our Theme of the Day schedule (link in post above). You have given me a great idea for a blog post! I will get busy working on it so I can go into more detail about what this looks like. Thanks!!