I saved my favorite method of homeschooling preschool for last. I love seasons and holidays, so a Theme of the Week is a fun way to organize the school year.
I use my monthly planning notes to schedule out our themes and activities for the year. (Free planning notes for the 2014-2015 school year will be available next week!) We love the routine of living by the seasons, and I usually expand the week’s theme to fit all my kids. We call it Funschool. My weekly Funschool posts have been on summer break but will be starting back up in August. I only schedule a couple of activities for the older kids, but it adds a bit of whimsy to our week.
Celebrating seasons and holidays is not the only way to plan with Theme of the Week. It is open to whatever you dream up. You could do a different animal every week. It would be fun to pair that up with Letter of the Week – A is for Alligator, B is for Bat, etc. There is no need to stick with one type theme for a whole year. Pick a topic, work through it until you are done, and then choose another.
A few ideas for non-seasonal themes:
- animals
- bugs
- transportation
- weather
- colors
- shapes
- food
- countries/cultures
- children’s books
Get some preschool theme inspiration from these fabulous sites:
- The Perpetual Preschool
- Everything Preschool
- Alphabet Soup
- The Virtual Vine
- Teaching Toddlers
- Kinder Korner
- Step by Step
- Little Giraffes
- First-School
- Preschool Plan It
- The Activity Idea Place
This week we’ve covered several ways to homeschool preschool for free. Most of them involve a decent mount of planning on your part. If you are not interested in creating your own plan, there are a few options on my list of Free Preschool Curriculum that already have the year planned out for you. There are also some on my Free Complete Curriculum page.
Coming next week: I actually use an eclectic method for preschool and pull a little from all of these styles. I am going to put together a post showing exactly how I planned out our preschool last year. Sign up to receive my post updates by email so you don’t miss any future Homeschool for Free posts!
Has this series given you some direction for your preschool plans?
Do you have any questions I can help answer?
You might also like my:
- Trace Through the Year Book
- ABCs & 123s Pinterest Board
- Preschool & K Printable Packs Pinterest Board
Read all of the days in this series:
Day 1: Learning Lifestyle
Day 2: Nursery Rhymes
Day 3: Printable Packs
Day 4: Letter of the Week
Day 5: Theme of the Week
Keep up with this series by receiving my posts in your email.
See all of the topics in the iHomeschool Network Summer Hopscotch Series
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