Enjoy this list of free nature notebooking printables and resources. This page will be updated regularly, so be sure to Pin or bookmark!
Last updated 6/2/16
General notebooking pages, logs, observation sheets
Handbook of Nature Study Pages
Nature Explorations Field Journal
Highland Heritage Nature Journals
How Plants Travel Notebooking Pack
Journey North Observation Sheets
Comparing Butterflies and Moths
Detailed coloring pages and books
Soil Concepts Imagination Book
Outdoor activities, activity books, puzzles, games
Monarch Butterfly Science & Art
Pest Patrol: A Backyard Activity Book
Environmental Education Activity Pages
Printables to take on your nature walk
WildSquare (UK)
Nature lapbooks
Lesson plans, printable guides, classification
Introduction to the Nature Journal
Natural England Nature Reserve
Kid’s Journey to Understanding Weeds
The Boy Who Drew Birds Unit Study
Online nature guides
Amateur Entomologists’ Society
The American Boys’ Book of Bugs, Butterflies and Beetles
Websites about nature study, nature, the outdoors
My Nature Study Posts
Have you created FREE nature study resources that you would like included on this page?
*Email your link to amyswandering (at) gmail (dot) com with Nature Notebook Resources in the Subject line*
Accepted items: notebook pages, activity pages, unit studies, websites about nature study Note: pages must be about nature topics, not just nature themed. (Yes: frog habitats, No: F is for Frog alphabet tracing page)