This looked fun so I thought I’d give it a try. If you want to do a list too, leave a comment so we can check it out!
Aprons – Y/N?
No, but I might consider it. I had no idea so many people still wore aprons until I started reading blogs.
Baking – Favorite thing to bake:
pumpkin bread
Clothesline – Y/N?
No, it is against our homeowner association regulations (which is ridiculous considering we live on an acre on the outskirts of town).
Donuts – Have you ever made them?
Only if poking a hole in canned biscuits and frying them counts as making donuts.
One homemaking thing you do every day:
cook meals
Freezer – Do you have a separate deep freeze?
Garbage Disposal – Y/N?
Handbook – What is your favorite homemaking resource?
the internet and my mother-in-law
Ironing – Love it or hate it?
I don’t hate it, but I do it as little as possible. We just throw wrinkled clothes in the dryer with a damp washcloth for everyday wear.
Junk drawer – Y/N? Where is it?
yes, in the kitchen
Kitchen: Design & Decorating?
Love: What is your favorite part of homemaking?
I love to make my home a festive, fun place to be. My mom filled our home with laughter & celebration, and I want my children to have the same memories.
Mop – Y/N?
Yes, although our favorite method doesn’t involve a mop, but 5 pairs of socks. I got the idea from Michelle.
Nylons – Wash by hand or in the washing machine?
throw them away (I know, wasteful, but I rarely wear them & they are cheap)
Oven – Do you use the window, or open the door to check?
open the door
Pizza – What do you put on yours?
sausage & green olives
Quiet – What do you do during the day when you get a quiet moment?
I go find out what my two youngest are getting into – that’s the only time it’s quiet.
Recipe card box – Y/N
No, but I do have a recipe notebook. I find most of my recipes on the internet & print them out.
Style of house –
I have no idea- traditional? red brick & black roof
Tablecloths and napkins – Y/N?
I usually have a seasonal table cloth, but we use paper napkins. I think I am going to try Shannon’s idea soon.
Under the kitchen sink – Organized or toxic wasteland?
Toxic wasteland. In addition to the usual toxins, I now keep our peanut butter & bubble bath under there.
Vacuum – How many times per week
every day
Wash – How many loads of laundry do you do a week?
at least 10
X’s – Do you keep a daily list of things to do and cross them off?
not usually
Yard – Who does what?
HaHaHa….oh, sorry. What I meant to say was Hubby is in charge of the grass & garden, & the kiddos are in charge of leaving their toys & bikes everywhere putting away their toys & bikes. I am in charge of whining about how hot it is and choosing which beautiful plants we will be killing this season.
Zzz’s – What is your last homemaking task for the day before going to bed?
Making sure all toys & shoes are put away so the dogs don’t have a party after we go to bed.
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