We’ve had this handy little thing for several years, but many of our friends have still never heard of it. I thought it was a safe bet that some of you have never heard of it either.
It easily hooks up to your tv and filters out foul language in TV shows and DVD’s. You have the option of just silence when censoring a bad word, or silence & subtitles at the bottom with a more appropriate phrase. The thinking behind this is that your eye will be drawn to the bottom of the screen to read the new phrase instead of reading the actor’s lips.
There are 2 settings. The stricter of the two also filters out things like sexual terms and taking the name of God in vain. I don’t recommend the strict setting if you are watching a program that actually IS about God 😉
A word of caution: You will have to consider carefully any movies that you recommend. There have been a couple of times that we talked about what a good storyline a movie had, only to realize later that we had no idea what got censored! (It will sometimes filter words that are not crude just because it doesn’t understand context or it was religious in nature.) We made sure to immediately correct the situation, and told our friends to run on down to Walmart & get their own TV Guardian.