When Little Prince was an imaginative 3 year old, he came into my room with something in his hand. I was researching some stuff for school on the computer and just played along as he said, “Mommy look at my cuuuute little mouse! Wanna pet it?”. I turned to pet his “mouse” & realized that there was a DEAD BABY MOUSE in the palm of his hand. Now, I could deal with a live baby mouse in his hand – they are pretty cute – but a dead one? No way Jose. I calmly broke his sweet little heart as I told him Dead Baby Mouse would have to live in a Walmart bag in the trash can outside.
Do you have a grosser than gross story? If so, you could win a Dirt Devil Kone over at Adventures in Babywearing. You have until 8 p.m. Sunday to enter.
Oh, poor thing!! But yeah, ick, too!!