I came across this home remedy while blog browsing last night: to stop nighttime coughing, put a generous layer of Vicks Vaporub on the bottom of the feet & cover with socks. I Googled it and many people recommend this technique, including medical professionals. I wish I’d seen this two days ago when all four of my kiddos were coughing up a lung!
[HT to Titus 2 ~ Homestead Living. She also has tip for relieving a bee sting with a penny.]
Run on over to Shannon’s for some really great tips!
WFMW tips I want to remember:
Chore System (I couldn’t sign in to leave you a comment, sorry!)
MyRecipes.com thanks to Jen
What an interesting remedy! I will give this a try! Thanks for mentioning my tip as well. Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Hey, thanks for dropping by my blog…I posted those recipes, hope you enjoy! I’ll have to remember the vicks remedy come cold and flu season!
This really does work, and it works well!!!
Great tip. 🙂
Wow, really? I’ve heard of rubbing it on the chest.
I usually get bronchitis, I’ll have to try this.