Sprittibee posted a link to a “Mothering Style” quiz. I was rather amazed at how accurate mine is. I plan on signing up for their newsletter and maybe reading the book.
I am The “Give ‘Em Their Space” Mother (ISTP) LOL
- Non-intrusive and respectful of differences, the ISTP mother gives her children the personal space they need to develop as separate, self-sufficient individuals. As children grow and mature, she enjoys observing how each one becomes his or her own person. She seeks to accept and honor each child’s interests, opinions, and choices.
- The ISTP mother does not believe in authority or control for its own sake. Instead, she favors a non-directive approach. Yet she has high expectations for each child’s self-discipline as a key to self sufficiency.
- To these ends, the ISTP mother wants to “be there” for her children—to meet their basic needs and keep them safe. Her goal is to help her children think for themselves and take responsibility for their own actions.
I’m not too sure what a non-directive approach to discipline is, but I do agree with the first part about not believing in authority or control for its own sake. We are pretty strict with our kids, but only when we need to be. Our ‘rules’ are built upon biblical concepts, and our kids know exactly what is expected from them and why.
Take the quiz & let us know what kind of mother you are! You don’t have to post the results on your blog if you don’t want, but leave me a comment so we can compare notes :o) I’m especially nosy interested in my IRL friends: Jill, Kelli, Emme, Melanie, & Tiersa -c’mon, you know you’re curious!
Updated to add: I feel the need to clarify something on this post, not because anyone said anything, but because I’m paranoid like that ;o) I said above that I didn’t believe in authority or control for it’s own sake. After reading it several times, I’m not positive I know what they mean by that – so I’ll just tell you what I meant ( just so everything is clear & you know I’m not a slacker parent!) I just meant that I try not to ever abuse the authority God has given me over my children by being harsh or controlling just because I’m the Mommy & I said so – not to be confused with actually saying, “Because I’m the Mommy & I said so!” That’s a whole ‘nother ball of wax & gets said regularly around here. So there, now that I’ve thoroughly confused you & left you scratching your head, you may return to your regularly scheduled program. My work here is done.
INTP ~ Love of Learning Mother…Hit me right on the head 😉 The first line is “I keep the encyclopedia in the kitchen so we can look up things together while we eat.” That’s sooo us…only we keep the dictionary at the table and have been known to let a meal get cold to go look something up online….
When I get a moment I will have to run over and take the quiz. It will be interesting to see what it says about me. LOL
LOL, I took that test three times and two outa three said I am an INFP “Tuned In Mother”.
did the following describe my “mothering”style?
“Inside our children, I believe, is a truth that tells them what’s best for them. I am always listening for that truth.”
* Aware, astute, and understanding, the INFP mother is sensitive to her child’s needs, feelings, and perceptions. By observing and listening to the cues of the whole child, she is “tuned in” and naturally develops an intuitive feel for what he or she needs. Responsive and helpful as well, she tends patiently to those needs as they arise.
* The INFP mother is comfortable letting her children follow their own course of development and make their own choices. She offers encouragement and uses her insights to head off trouble and difficult issues.
* The INFP mother takes vicarious pleasure giving her children good experiences and watching them enjoy childhood. She’s happiest creating pleasant, memorable times for the whole family.”
I’ll have to talk to my grown kids and get back to you on that one. Each child is totally different and we encouraged that, so….each child could see me differently.
Oh Hun…I don’t think any truly Christian momma is really Anti-authority…we do what we know God wants us to do…and He doesn’t march around telling US what to do just because He’s God…that’s pretty obvious since He COULD have NOT given us free will 😉 So I figured what you meant by your comment and I was right on the button 😉
Hi, Mommies! Don’t forget that the the quiz and mini-profiles come from my book, MotherStyles, and there is much much more in it that you will find helpful — how to better parent a child who has a different personality than you, how to recharge your batteries so that you don’t blow a fuse, how to reconcile your parenting style with your spouse’s. Dear mothers, this is just a little sample, please read on. You’ll be glad you did.