Want to get started on your Christmas shopping with a great sale for a great cause? St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital has a fantastic sale going on right now. Get FREE SHIPPING on all orders of $75 or more by using promotional code CLEARANCESPR08.
I’m getting these for Little Prince & Sassyfrass. They were drawn by patients & only $10:
These $5 candles burn for 90 hours:
Need a baby gift? These are $5:
Teen girl? These are $10:
Go check out the sale for lots & lots of great deals! Remember to use CLEARANCESPR08 for free shipping on orders of $75 or more.
p.s. I’m not affiliated with St. Jude’s in any way – cancer research is just near & dear to my heart.
Run on over to Rocks In My Dryer for tons of great tips!