HSBA has come up with a fun way to keep track of your homeschool year by participating in Homeschool Memoirs. A new theme will be posted every Wednesday. This week’s assignment is a peek into why we homeschool.
My name is Amy and I will soon be a mom of 5 kiddos (and we have a forever-4 yr. old in Heaven). I’ve been married to my best friend for almost 16 years. Today we started our seventh year of homeschooling, and we wouldn’t have it any other way.
I’m going to use being 8 months pregnant as an excuse to dig into my archives. The following is part of a post I did last year (you can read the whole post here if you are bored & have nothing better to do. HA!).
I can’t remember why I first considered homeschooling. I know it was about 9 years ago, when our oldest was two. I had a friend who was doing Five in a Row with her daughter & it looked like so much fun! I’m always up for a good round of fun, so maybe that was what lured me. I’ve always loved school – I was a preschool teacher at the time and my “plan” was to get my degree as soon as my kids were in school & teach full time. Whooo, God must get the biggest kick out of me. A short time later, I found out that my sister-in-law was planning to homeschool her kids too.
Here’s some honesty for you: It took me several months to finally make the commitment to homeschool. (Hubby was on board right away.) I had big PLANS for when my kids went off to school, important things like volunteer work & starting a mommy support group & having a clean house. I was very selfish and it was painful to let go of those dreams, but God was patiently calling me and I knew I had no choice :o)