Norah Caitlyn
7 lbs 1 oz, 20 inches
October 17th
We are already home and doing great. She is such a sweet blessing to our family! Thank you for all of your prayers.
Wandering through life one season at a time
By: amyswandering10 Comments
Norah Caitlyn
7 lbs 1 oz, 20 inches
October 17th
We are already home and doing great. She is such a sweet blessing to our family! Thank you for all of your prayers.
Amy, she is gorgeous!!! And, what a BEAUTIFUL name, just precious!!!
Congratulations, Amy, Jason & family!!!
Woohoo! Congratulations! And what a wonderful anniversary gift. Love you all so much!
Amy & Jason –
Another beautiful little one to add to your wonderful crew!
We had lunch with Mother & Daddy today. The both lit up like Christmas trees when I mentioned Nora’s birth . They repeated to us everything your mom had told them when she called.
Ooooops….NoraH !! As particular as Ellen and I are about spellings of children’s names, I shoud have verified before I posted my comment. 🙂
Congratulations! She’s beautiful and I love her name!
Okay I am totally jealous…how come you have perfect babies???? Man, she is gorgeous….can we have an arrange marriage now between our babies??? Sorry, I have been out of the loop. I have been at several funerals. Rough month for the family BUT OH I NEEDED TO HEAR THIS NEWS!!! You have made my whole week!!!!
Fortunately for me, I was able to hold Baby Norah the day she was born!
She is so precious!!!!
Dear Amy and Jason,
She is just absolutely gorgeous!!!!! She’ll fit right in with the rest of our gorgeous great nieces and nephews!!!!! My arms are just aching to get back to Texas for more hugging and holding and sharing all of your kids with your parents. I told Linda that she was going to have to share her grandbabies with me until I get some of my own!
I’m thrilled that both of you are okay and I’m sorry that I didn’t get an anniversary card off to y’all. My life is just a mess right now. Your mother can fill you in. But having pictures of your beautiful babies, all five of them, cheers me right up!!!!
See you soon!!! Love, Aunt Ellen
She is SOOOOOOOOOOO pretty!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!
Hi…just found you thru Rocks in my Dryer and saw you just had a sweet baby named Norah…of course being named Norah, I had to have a look and she is just beautiful! Tell me, how did you come up with her name? I am the 7th Norah in my family. Dating all the way back to the UK. Its such an unsual name, but such a pretty spelling (okay…I’m bias).
Congrats again!