We had a lovely first day of school today!
We did some group activities and focused on getting notebooks organized – the real academics start on Monday!
We have a new student this year. My niece (11) is joining us each morning and we are enjoying her lovely spirit. Her bloggy nickname will be Niecey. (What can I say? I’ve used up all my creative brain cells planning our school.)
Here’s a look at what we did:
~ Sticks & Stones– We each got a body cutout with our name on it. We passed them around the circle, making sure to add a wrinkle or tear to each one as we passed it. They were a wrangled mess by the end. We then talked about how using our words as weapons does the same kind of damage to each other. “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” Ephesians 4:29
~ We made get-well cards for my grandparents who are both in the hospital.
~ The 3 older girls filled out a Learning Style Questionnaire and How Many Ways Are You Smart?
~ The 2 younger colored & cut out a dog mask to go along with our Hank the Cowdog bedtime story.
~ We read the first lesson out of Over Our Heads In Wonder and then headed outside with this cloud paper to record our sky views.
~ Creating a September Nature Calendar was last on the list.
Tomorrow we will add journal writing and math to the mix. It’s going to be a great year!
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