Tales From Terrestria is a series from Christan author Ed Dunlop. Written for ages 10 & up, these books are allegories about Christ, His Kingdom, and His followers. We received The Quest for Thunder Mountain (bk 1) and The Isle of Dragons (bk 4).
I gave these to Funny Girl to read, but she couldn’t get into them (I do think they might appeal more to boys than to girls). I decided to read them myself. I was unsure how I liked it during the first chapter, but when I closed the book an hour & a half later I was pleasantly surprised – I really enjoyed it!
We will be using this series as a read-aloud with the whole family. There are so many things to discuss as you go along. I look forward to getting the rest of the books.
Some of the Crew received The Terrestria Chronicles, so be sure to check out their reviews.
The Nitty Gritty:
- $7.99 each, paperback
Value: inexpensive food-for-thought
See what my TOS Crew Mates have to say about the Terrestria series.
I received two free books for the purpose of writing an honest review. no other compensation was given.
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