There were so many garage sales this past Saturday! I ran out of money & room in the van before I even visited all the ones on our end of town. Here are the things I stole good deals I got:
I paid $5 for this wicker rocker, table & all the cushions. My $5 included a small sofa too, but it was in bad shape & wouldn’t fit in the van. I told the lady to keep it & sell it again LOL. I did keep the black toile cushions from the sofa.
three plush bathroom rugs $1 ea ~ two directors chairs for the big girls’ room $2 ea (will paint the canvas seats)
very old children’s textbooks for my collection *free!* ~ 2 tupperware containers .50 ea ~ turquoise earring/bracelet/necklace set $2 ~ little girl clothes .25 ea ~ like new rice cooker $5 ~ 4 vintage pyrex dishes $3 ~ shoes $1 ea
I can’t wait for this coming Saturday – it is half price day at Goodwill 🙂
See more thrifty treasures HERE!