This week’s WFMW is the Mom, I’m Bored – Summer Edition.
My kids love to play outside, but we live in Texas and summer afternoons are usually spent inside. It’s starting early this year – Saturday’s high is supposed to be 101!!
I inwardly cringe when my kids want to drag out all the craft stuff, but I am working hard on being a Yes Mom. I created an Indoor Summer Fun Tub that my kids are allowed to play with anytime without having to ask permission first, as long as they follow the TWO rules.
Rule # 1 ~ use the supplies correctly
**translation – don’t waste the window art paint by squeezing it into big puddles on the newspaper covering the table.
Rule # 2 ~ clean up your mess completely
**translation – don’t make me come hunt you down when it is dinnertime & your projects are still all over the table.
All of the books in our tub came from Goodwill for .25-.50. Goodwill & thrift stores are great sources for inexpensive crafts & games! I am linking to Amazon so you can get a closer look.
Little Red Riding Hood Puppet Theater
I also threw in a package of plastic bubbles, pipe cleaners and plastic laces. I am going to pick up some paint & craft kits at Dollar Tree and change out some of the activities every couple of weeks. (I will post a pic of our tub if I ever find my camera cord!)
Be sure to enter my
(Ends Saturday, June 5th)
Run on over to We Are That Family for tons of summer fun tips!
Tips I Want To Remember:
We like to do a lot of crafts when the heat is high here in easter Washington, too. I love the idea of it all in one tub and the rules. Definitely going to try it! Thanks!