Dragon’s Universe is a fun line put out by Mega Bloks. The vehicles and action figures have to be assembled, which really appealed to the Lego©-lovers at our party.
We received several Meteor Eggs, an Ultimate Action Dragon Destroyer (215 pcs), and a Deluxe Dual-Blast Dragon Hunter (151 pcs).
The ships have missiles that really fire, and laser sound F/X & lights. If your boy is like mine, he likes anything with sounds and lights!
Amazon has some incredible deals on the Dragons Universe right now. Join Amazon Mom and get FREE 2-day Amazon Prime shipping for 3 months. As always, their prices could change at any moment, but here are the current sales:
Mega Bloks Ultimate Action Dragon Destroyer $19.99 (reg. $49.99)
Mega Bloks Deluxe Dual-Blast Dragon Hunter $12.99 (reg.$34.99)
Mega Bloks Rapid Fire Dragon Fighter $12.99 (reg. $19.99)
{I received a free Hexbug party from Mommy Parties to share with friends – all opinions are my own. The Amazon links contain my affiliate code }