I was amused to find this in my inbox today:
“To whom it may concern,
Please forward this e-mail to your webmaster. I recently discovered your web page containing entomology content and links here:
I wanted to notify you about an educational resource developed by my company Orkin Pest Control. It is a fully interactive virtual cockroach designed to be an instructional tool about insect anatomy. It is located here:http://www.orkin.com/cockroaches/virtual-roach
If you think that this resource would be useful for your website users, would you mind adding a link to it on your page here:
http://amyswandering.wordpress.com/2009/08/19/wfmw-printable-student-planners/ “
And while I find it odd that entomology content was found in my student planner links, he is right…it is a useful resource for my website users. : )