I’ve read rave reviews the past few weeks about the new eBook 31 Days to Clean: Having a Martha House the Mary Way.
Every day has two challenges:
- The Mary Challenge -Something you do that encourages/engages your heart
- The Martha Challenge – Specific cleaning tasks
There are tons of resources out there that tell you how to tackle your house, but this one also deals with the heart issues involved.
I discovered that, starting May 1st, there is going to be a 31-Day Homemaker’s Challenge using this book.
There is a Kindle version that can also be read on Kindle PC, which is super handy for highlighting and taking notes without having to print.
The eBook is ONLY $4.99, but if you share through your blog or Twitter before midnight tonight (EST) you can get a free copy!
Yeah!! Thanks for helping to spread the word! 🙂