We are counting down the days to summer break. Why is May such a lo-o-o-ng month every year? The kids are ready to put away the math, and mommy is ready to have her brain back.
We start a whole new season of life in August with a high-schooler!!
How did that happen? 😯
I feel like I am a homeschool newbie again when it comes to choosing HS curriculum. It is for real this time! HaHa!
Here are some of the things I am considering. Please chime in if you have used any of them! My kiddos will be entering the next school year in these grades: 9th, 7th, 3rd, 1st, and PreK(3).
Ancient Civilizations and the Bible
Exploring Creation with Zoology 2
Compact for Reading (free)
Spell By Color (free)
Improve Your Writing (free)
Research & Writing Skills in 20 Minutes a Day (free)
Khan Academy (free)
Kindergarten Stories and Morning Talks
Elementary Geography by Charlotte Mason (free)
Preschool Prop Boxes (free ideas)
Smart Art: Learning to Classify & Critique Art
So what are your plans?
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