I just melted at the sight of these adorably-vintage ABC coloring pages for preschoolers.
I printed them all out for Sweetpea & plan on making a book out of them when she finishes.**
I am also going to print these Learning Colors pages.
Don’t miss the Holidays & Seasons section. I guarantee that I will be printing out a set of my own to color!!
There are many, many more pages from which to choose – just look in the sidebar and start clicking.
**If you hit the Print button on the coloring page, three pages will print (the coloring page is pg 2) and there is website info at the top & bottom. I chose to copy & paste them into a blank document to get the coloring book look I was going for. I am sure there is an easier way to do this, but I don’t know what it is & it only took me about 20 minutes. 🙂