My supposed week of reviews & giveaways somehow morphed into That Didn’t Turn Out Quite How I Intended It!
We got hit with a stomach bug. We don’t tend to pass around most viruses, but a stomach virus can wreak havoc on a big family.
This time around, only three* of us out of seven got sick. We did the usually Lysol/hand sanitizer routine, but there was one new weapon that I think must have helped.
About this time last year, I received some samples from BioGaia that included these digestive health tablets. We didn’t have a need for them last year (thank you God!), so I tucked them away in the medicine cabinet.
I pulled them out this past week when I went on the warpath against our unwanted visitor. Everyone got a tablet a day.
Let me tell you that I can’t stand the chalkiness of chewable tablets {{shudder}}. These were really good and tasted like lemonade, with no chalk at all!!
They also come in a flavorless drinking straw and drops (I tried both of these last year).
You can purchase by phone, online, or interestingly enough with a form that you print out & take to your pharmacy. They can order it for you if they don’t carry it.
And according to this site, BOOST Kid Essentials by Nestle has a BioGaia Probiotic Straw. I couldn’t find any info on the Kid Essentials website about that, but it might be something to check into.
Even though I got sick*, it was only half a day. And that works for me!!
Run on over to We Are That Family for tons of great tips!
*We should have probably only had one sickie. Sassyfrass came down with it first, and then Stinkpot Sweetpea got it when she stole sick girl’s Capri Sun after she had finished her own. I got sick from holding an ailing Stinkpot Sweetpea and, well . . . you get the picture.
~I am not affiliated with BioGaia.~
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