I take a little time every January to think through our studies and decide what is working, and what needs to change.
It is my heart’s desire to simply homeschool. Creating an atmosphere of learning is high on the list of things I want to accomplish this year.
In order to implement these changes, I am doing something that is very hard for me — stepping back and letting go.
Letting go of …
… the way it is “supposed to be done”
… the thought that others might think we are Unchoolers (we’re not, but so what if we were?)
… the idea that High School learning has to look different than previous years (does it not count as High School unless Funny Girl takes a beating everyday from her heavy workload?)
I want my children to love learning instead dreading schoolwork.
Our day-to-way work will be different, yet the same.
Same subjects, same books, different mindset.
Instead of weighing my kids down with literature guides and book reports, I am just going to let them read the books and discuss. *gasp*
We are going to explore history with good books and interesting websites.
We will delve into creative writing and poetry by taking the Joy Dare.
Writing skills will be developed through real life by writing thank-you notes, filling out applications, creating recipes, etc.
Our science choices already fit the bill, so no changes there.
Math … well, it can’t all be fun & games now, can it? 🙂