We are using these websites to add some fun to our Ancient Egypt study!
Ancient Egypt with Mr. Donn we really enjoyed the fascinating facts!
Mad Libs cuz you know we love mad libs 😉
Hieroglyphics Translation Chart everyone is making a cartouche
Egyptian Seega Game printable
The Cat of Bubastes free for Kindle or Kindle for PC
{Interactive Sites}
homeschoolinghelicoptermama says
Have fun! We studied Ancient Egypt over the summer and my daughter loved it. She still talks about the things she learned!
amyswandering says
There seems to be no end to the fun resources. Thanks for stopping by!
Jonas says
Often when people think of Ancient Egypt they think of a few things, such as: the Pyramids, tutankhamun and Antony and Cleopatra. There were 1,000 years between these events, which can be a difficult concept to grasp. Using a website like http://www.timemaps.com helps to aid understanding in this area.
See http://www.timemaps.com/history/ancient-egypt-2500bc
Hope this helps 🙂