Have you ever tried to catch a Leprechaun? They are tricky little things. My kiddos set a trap every year, hoping to catch a glimpse.
The little stinker always manages to escape!
The only thing found in our trap each St. Patrick’s Day is a bit of his gold.
(The gold tastes surprisingly like Rolos!)
But OH the TROUBLE that pesky Leprechaun causes during his visit!!
He turns the milk and the toilet water green, hides things in odd places, and leaves a topsy-turvy mess.
A word of warning … should your Leprechaun decide to write on the toilet lid with a green dry-erase marker … no matter how many different cleaning products you try, it might still be there 2 years later.
Have you ever caught a Leprechaun?
Mine wrote with a black sharpy….on custom wood cabinets, furniture and….a white wall. ALL>>>OVER>>>>>IN >>>>>SEVERAL ROOMS!! I used softsoap with bleach and activated with a little water. This was key as it did not work the first time. I walked away and left it for 1/2 an hour …and when I returned it was GONE! (Maybe you could rescue your seat…that is…if you really wanted to.) : )
We sold the house haha! It didn’t damage the finish on the wood? My daughter got sharpie on the dining room table not long ago. That is good to know, thanks!!