Nursery rhymes are an easy way to teach young children. They naturally love the playful rhythms and songs.
Nursery rhymes make a great co-op class too! I taught a preschool class and each week we would read the rhyme, act it out, and do a craft.
Here are some handy FREE resources:
Kiz Club word cards & clip art
A Rhyme a Week 30 weeks of lesson plans
First-School coloring pages, activities, crafts, seasonal themes
Nursery Rhyme ABCs find & circle the letters
DLTK worksheets, crafts, felt board
Virtual Vine unit studies
St. Aiden’s Activity Packs copywork
SparkleBox posters, masks, sequencing & more
Hubbard’s Cupboard Letter & Rhyme a Day units
Apples 4 the Teacher sorted by topic
PreKinders rhyme cards
Nursery Rhymes – Kids Camp youtube channel
Pre-K Literacy activities, printables, & diplomas
Nursery Rhyme Units 1st grade
Pick Your Word colorful story cards for games
Sense in Nonsense math & science activities
The Secret History of Nursery Rhymes for curiosity’s sake
Great free resources! In the spring with all these rainy days, it can be tough to find something for the kiddos to do. I’ll keep these in mind!
Good! I like it very much.. Nursery Rhymes