Keep your little ones busy with these fun file folder games!
Christian Preschool Printables
Wandering through life one season at a time
By: amyswanderingcomment
Keep your little ones busy with these fun file folder games!
Christian Preschool Printables
The Daycare Resource Connection
By: amyswanderingcomment
Before I get to the winner, I want to remind you that today is the last day to save 20% on Your Grocery Budget Toolbox using the code wandering
And the winner is …
Kendall I., who is a whole foods newbie 🙂
By: amyswanderingcomment
I am collecting lots of fun ideas for my little Sweetpea.
Follow my Busy Bag Pinterest Board!!
{Do you have a Pinterest board specifically for preschoolers or toddlers? Leave a link!}
By: amyswandering1 Comment
Explore the exciting world of Science with one of these great sites! This list of free science curriculum has links for Preschool through 12th grade.
Updated 7/31/21
Science Discovery (PreK-K)
Paso Partners (K-3)
4 2 eXplore (K-6)
MS Nucleus (K-6)
Biology 4 Kids (K-6)
Chem 4 Kids (K-6)
Physics 4 Kids (K-6)
Cosmos 4 Kids (K-6)
Earth Science 4 Kids (K-6)
Elementary Life Science (K-6)
Astronomy Academy (K-6)
CK-12 FlexBooks (K-12)
TeachEngineering (K-12)
Nutrients for Life (K-12)
Earth Science (multiple ages) scroll down
Neuroscience for Kids (multiple ages)
Science of Seasons (1-4)
Design Squad (3-6)
Middle School Chemistry (6-8)
Food Science and Nutrition (6-12)
New York Science Teacher (9-12)
Khan Academy (9-12)
MIT OpenCourseWare (9-12)
Hippo Campus (9-12)
See all of my Homeschool for FREE! posts HERE
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By: amyswandering
Do you ever decide to do a little project around the house, get frustrated when you can’t find all of the tools or supplies, and quit before you ever get started?
(What? That’s just me? Ok, then you’ll have to pretend! 😉 )
The same thing can happen when it comes to eating healthier. You decide to start feeding your family whole foods, go to the store and have a minor stroke over the price of healthy food, and quickly fall back into your old pattern of eating.
Your Grocery Budget Toolbox is going to teach you how to feed your family real food on a real budget!
I used to be a couponing pro, regularly saving 60-85% on my shopping trips. Those savings rapidly declined when we started transitioning to a whole food diet a few years ago. I plan my menu according to the weekly sales, and make the majority of our meals from scratch, but I know our grocery bill could be lower.
I was over-the-top excited when I started reading Your Grocery Budget Toolbox! Anne not only takes you step-by-step through the many ways you can save on healthy food, she also breaks each chapter down into specific details.
Take my favorite chapter for example: Sourcing Healthy Food
A lame ebook would simply list all of the stores that carry inexpensive organic foods. But this is no lame ebook, it is a Toolbox, and it lists exactly which organic items can be found cheapest at each store!
Every chapter is filled with valuable information!
There are several challenges in the book, and I decided to take the Once-a-Month Shopping Challenge. I know that fewer trips to the store will add up to bigger savings each month.
Here is my best guess of (some of) what my family of 7 eats in a month:
I will be using several of the challenges in Your Grocery Budget Toolbox over the next month to help me figure out my Once-a-Month Shopping plan.
You can purchase Your Grocery Budget Toolbox for only &4.99!
Even better, order by July 24th and save 20% off with this code: wandering
Feel free to go ahead and buy yours now because you will get a refund if you win the giveaway!!
Giveaway Rules
closed – winner announced on Tuesday!!
(Leave one comment listing everything you completed)
Mandatory: Leave a comment telling whether you are a.) a whole foods wannabe, b.) a whole foods newbie, or c.) a whole foods fanatic
Extra Entries
Giveaway ends on Monday, July 23rd!
This post contains my affiliate link, but I would be crazy about this super-duper ebook even if it didn’t. 😀