I’ve read several posts recently about being real on our blogs.
It seems to be THE hot topic amongst homeschool moms right now.
{because…REALLY…we don’t sit around talking about Socialization}
Sometimes we must come across like members of a Stepford society.
I know that I have not done a good job sharing my daily life with you. I post lots of wonderful resources, and possibly have even left you with the idea that we actually use most of them. The truth is that I just love to research & share. 😀
It is evident from looking at my blog that I am a Christian. But what you can’t see (because I haven’t shown you) is how much God’s love for me penetrates down into my very marrow, or how it affects every decision I make. I have not shown that side of my life because it is harder to put into words. I am ashamed of that because what I really want to offer to you tired homeschool mamas is grace and peace, not just more fun printables to clutter your already busy days. Don’t worry- the printables will keep coming, but hang on cuz we are going deeper!
For your entertainment, and to show you that we are far from the homeschool “ideal”, here are bits of the conversation I had with Sweetpea(4) last night while looking through her favorite animal picture book:
We went over the names of several animals, including a chipmunk which was deemed So Adorable!!!, but she just couldn’t remember the skunk.
In her mind it is a Stinkmunk.
Sweetpea: Aww, a monkey.
Me: It says it’s a chimpanze.
Sweetpea: No, it’s a monkey.
Me: A chimpanzee is a kind of monkey.
Sweetpea:NoooOOO! (tapping finger in book) I can tell it’s a monkey!!
Sweetpea: What is that?
Me: A centipede
Sweetpea: What?!? A centiPEE?
Me: No, a centiPEDE
Sweetpea: (said dreamily) *sigh* SantaPee … I love him
There you have it – my kid makes up her own animal names, thinks the word Pee is hilarious, and believes in Santa (even though we’ve told her he’s not real).
p.s. I have no desire to be the homeschool ideal. Those people are boring! 😉
I do want to be more transparent though, so don’t say you weren’t warned!