My mom’s birthday is on July 25th, so last year we threw her a Christmas in July party. It was so much fun!! My gears started turning as I cooked up a plan for this year…
We could use July 25th to try out some of the fun projects & recipes that we never find time for during December!!
I don’t know about yours, but my family likes to stick very closely to traditions. And since no one likes a stressed-out mommy, I try to limit how many new activities I add each year.
KISS – Keep it Sweet & Simple, that’s my motto.
Christmas in July is the perfect time to try out some new ideas.
We are going to start our day with this yummy Cinnamon Baked French Toast that has been calling to me from my Pinterest Christmas Board.
{Note to self: set Pandora to a Christmas station!}
I am going to give each kid a Christmas Wish List so they can get a head start.
My kiddos like to toss in their 2 cents, so I created a Christmas to Remember survey for them to fill out so we can plan our holiday season.
–>Download a Christmas to Remember<–
After an appetizer dinner of sausage balls and fried mozzerella sticks, we will watch a movie and have a snowflake cutting party. The snowflakes will be carefully bagged up and put away to make a gorgeous blizzard garland. I have had it bookmarked for YEARS, and we have a snowflake party every December, but never manage to find time to put it all together. I’m thinking this might be the year we finally get it up. 😉
There are so many things you could do for Christmas in July:
- get started on some handmade gifts
- put together a Christmas Planning Binder
- make Christmas cards
- plan you Christmas card picture
- get an early start on some crafts
- play silly games
You can also take some time to think about getting off the Crazy Christmas wagon. Christmas is a season of joy and peace. A time to celebrate a Savior.
Need some inspiration?
Do you do any kind of Christmas in July activities?