I used to think that those of us who lived in the suburbs could never have as rich a nature study as those who were surrounded by miles of undeveloped land. (And just forget about it if you lived in the city!) Then something happened that changed my mind. I was on the TOS Crew review team and one of the books I received was Over Our Heads in Wonder. It is a simple little science book that points to God’s majesty through His creation. During one of the lessons, we went outside and watched the sky. An amazing thing happened. We started hearing the different birds perched in the trees. We noticed some little beetles running through the grass. We watch the circus performance of the zany squirrels. All because we were STILL and QUIET.
How often do we miss the beauty of God because we don’t slow down long enough to see it?
We decided to try it out the next time we went to our neighborhood park. We discovered intricate spiderwebs on the railings, beautiful bird feathers on the ground, and a turtle soaking up the sun. We collected interesting rocks. Warrior Boy picked a few pine needles to make tea, because he had seen it done on one of the survival shows.
And the wonderful thing about nature? It is always changing. Each time we venture out, there is something new to discover and explore.
Try a few of these ideas with your kiddos:
make a backyard field guide
discover life inside a pinecone
play backyard bingo
go on a dice walk
shake a tree and see what falls out
observe a tree through all four seasons
hunt for squirrels with Project Squirrel
become a bird sleuth with Project FeederWatch
watch for migrating Monarchs
Have some fun with the things you find:
make nature paintbrushes
learn how to whistle an acorn cap
Create a little nature corner in your house to display all or your treasures. Your kids will continue to enjoy them, and it adds a natural beauty to your home. We like to record some of our discoveries through notebooking. Stay tuned for more ideas!!
~*~ Will YOU share your wonderful ideas with us, pretty please? ~*~
{ See all of the days in this series }
How Do I Teach … 5 Day Blog Series is brought to you by the following blogs:
Enchanted Homeschooling Mom ~ Homeschool Gameschool ~ Are We There Yet? ~ Life with Moore Babies ~ No Doubt Learning ~ Mrs. Redd’s Classroom Blog ~ Proverbial Homemaker ~ My Joy Filled Life ~ Preschool Powol Packets ~ Adventures in Mommydom ~ Vicki Arnold ~ Only Passionate Curiosity ~ Living Life and Learning ~ Farm Fresh Adventures ~ 3 Dinosaurs ~ For This Season
No Doubt Learning says
I’m amazed as well how much fun it is to see how nature changes over time in the same area. That’s why it’s always fun to revisit the same areas in different seasons.