Everyone has different ideas about notebooking. Some stick strictly to traditional notebooking pages. My definition? If it fits in a notebook, it is a notebooking page!
Every week we do something for Nature Fun Friday. We try to add a page to our nature notebooks each week. The kids might sketch something they saw on a nature walk, color a detailed page, or complete an activity sheet. On rainy days we do a nature craft, or read from a nature story ebook.
Nature notebook pages are not limited to only the animals in your area. Pick a chapter from the Handbook of Nature Study and learn about whatever you want! Choose coordinating activity pages and you can open up a whole new world for your child.
I have been working hard to create a Nature Notebook Master List to provide you with pages of FREE resources for your nature study! I will be continually adding new activities, so be sure to Pin or bookmark!
~*~ Do YOU utilize notebooking in your nature study ? ~*~
Join me tomorrow to see how I organize our notebooking resources!
{ See all of the days in this series }
Follow me on Facebook or Pinterest for more FREE resources!
How Do I Teach … 5 Day Blog Series is brought to you by the following blogs:
Enchanted Homeschooling Mom ~ Homeschool Gameschool ~ Are We There Yet? ~ Life with Moore Babies ~ No Doubt Learning ~ Mrs. Redd’s Classroom Blog ~ Proverbial Homemaker ~ My Joy Filled Life ~ Preschool Powol Packets ~ Adventures in Mommydom ~ Vicki Arnold ~ Only Passionate Curiosity ~ Living Life and Learning ~ Farm Fresh Adventures ~ 3 Dinosaurs ~ For This Season