Homeschoolers are typically one-income families. More and more moms are looking for a way to bring in some extra money, and the educational printables business is booming! Having made a few printables myself, I can say that creating them is the easy part. Most of it can be learned through trial & error and a few Google searches. Selling them however? That is easier said than done.
I have the privilege of reviewing How To Succeed As An Educational Printables Business, an ebook written by Jill of Enchanted Homeschooling Mom.
How To Succeed As An Educational Printables Business is a workbook that walks you through the process of what it takes to sell your printables. It is not as simple as creating your pages and finding a market for them. How are you going to deliver your product? Do you need to register your business? What steps are going to protect your copyright? Jill answers all of these questions and more in these chapters:
- So, You Want To Start An Educational Printables Business…
- How Will I Start My Business…
- What Is Your Target Audience…
- Creating Your Educational Printables…
- How Will I Get My Items To My Buyers…
- Price Point – Not Just How Much I Want To Charge…
- Advertising My Business…
- Why I Have to Keep Good Records…
- Tax implications…
- Are You Having Fun Yet…
Jill has created a successful printables business with her Enchanted Homeschooling Mom Member’s Only Website. She has a heart for helping others get started, and plenty of experience to share. Let her help you avoid some of the obstacles along the way by creating a start-to-finish plan.
You can purchase How To Succeed As An Educational Printables Business for $15 and get started on your new business today!
{I received a free ebook for the purpose of sharing my honest review. No other compensation was given.}
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