Just popping in to let you know of some upcoming events!
The August Writing Prompts Calendar will be out by Monday morning. My mind is on curriculum planning and I forgot August started today – duh! My apologies.
Monday also kicks off the 6th Annual Not Back-to-School Blog Hop with Curriculum Week. I love browsing through all of your lists. The linky will be live on the iHomeschool Network right after midnight on Sunday. I will have a direct link to the hop in my post that is going out at the same time, so swing back by if you need it.
I am bringing you a new subscriber goody next week! Thanks to all of the amazing bundle sales over the past year, my computer files are brimming with ebooks. Some are not applicable to me, and some I already owned, so I am starting a weekly giveaway until they are gone. I’m only opening these giveaways up to my email subscribers. The entry form will be at the bottom of all the emails (and it’s a simple entry – no jumping through hoops). Not a subscriber? Sign up today!
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