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We are kicking off this series with ways to share the Season of Joy. One of the simplest things to share is a smile! People get stressed out and over-extended during the holidays. A big smile tends to catch them off guard, and they usually return the sentiment.
Adorable graphics courtesy of pumpkins and posies.
I have a fun, easy way for you and your kids to share a little Thanksgiving Joy in three simple steps:
- Print out some Give Thanks cards
- Tape a quarter onto the corner of each
- Leave on top of a candy or toy vending machine
If you have time, stick around for a little while and (secretly) watch each child’s face light up as they discover the surprise.
A few more ideas for the Give Thanks cards:
- Leave them near the vending machine at work – you might want to add more than 1 quarter
- Tuck one inside a library book before returning (make sure it’s not against your library’s rules)
- Write a note and slip it into a family member’s lunch
- Tape on candy instead and hand out
- Pass them out at a nursing home, along with a big hug
- Give them to the kids in your Sunday School Class
These Festive Family Bloggers are Sharing the Joy of the Season:
Five Ways to Simplify the Holiday Season @ Bare Feet on the Dashboard
Charitable Act: Shoeboxes Filled with Presents @ La Cité des Vents
Joyful Christmas Crafts for Kids @ Handmade Kids Art
Give a Little Bit @ Gypsy Road School
Joy Comes from the Inside… But Not of a Package @ A Mother Far from Home
Welcome to the Festive Family Holiday Giveaway @ Peace but Not Quiet
Sharing Joy & a Giveaway @ P is for Preschooler
Share Some Joy this Holiday Season @ Are We There Yet?
Thankful Turkey Wreath Tradition @ Mom Inspired Life
Christmas Sensory Play Ideas for Kids @ Still Playing School
Unique Kits for Kids that Won’t Break the Bank @ Lemon Lime Adventures
Holiday Tradition Ideas for Families @ Sugar Aunts
Gratitude Stones: A Thanksgiving Nature Craft for Kids @ Fireflies and Mudpies
Montessori Monday – Montessori Inspired Thanksgiving Ideas @ Living Montessori Now
Finding Joy in the Holidays Even During Difficult Times @ ALLterNATIVElearning
Christmas Shadow Puppets Play @ Adventure in a Box
Sharing Joy through a Holiday Giveaway @ Kids Yoga Stories
Family Thankfulness Jar @ The Realistic Mama
Gratitude and Thanksgiving Books for Preschoolers @ Totschooling
Festive Family Holiday @ In the Playroom
Free Nativity Puppets @ Happy and Blessed Home
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My posts from the Festive Family Holiday Hop series:
- Sharing the Joy of the Season: Give Thanks Cards
- Thankful Traditions: Thanksgiving Activities to Encourage Gratitude
- Creative Christmas: Creative Christmas Pinterest Boards
- Gifts for the Season: Heirloom Advent Calendars
- Festive Activities for Kids: Free Snowflake Patterns & Templates
- Festive Family Fun: A Magical Winter Wonderland
What a fun way to spread some cheer this season!