I am excited to be giving away some Naturexplorers Unit Studies from Shining Dawn Books this week! 5 winners will get to choose their favorite eBook.
Shining Dawn Books is owned by Cindy of Our Journey Westward. She is an authority on Charlotte Mason-style nature study. I’ve been reading her blog for years and it is a homeschooling treasure chest.
Each NaturExplorer study includes:
- background information
- literature suggestions
- hands-on activities
- writing & research ideas
- Bible lessons
- poetry
- artist & picture study
- composer and music study
- internet links
- suggestions for older & younger children
- nature club & co-op info
- notebooking pages
Now through July 31st, get 20% off your entire NaturExplorer order with this code: 31Days
This is an exclusive code just for the 31 Days of Exploring Nature series. It is a great way to stock up on nature studies throughout the year. Purchase one of the bundles during the sale and each ebook is a little over $5!
It’s really difficult to choose. I think my son would enjoy the “Hard as a Rock” unit study.
We love butterflies so I would choose that one.
I’ve always wanted the Living Math ebook.
I would choose fruit and nuts. My son is learning to cook for himself and that would be a good book to bring into the subject.
I like the nature study for my children.
I really can’t decide — all the unit studies sound so interesting. But I’m sure my boys would like Flying Creatures of the Night or Spectacular Spiders. Maybe I could flip a coin! We would love to try any of them.
flying creatures of the night
It’s so hard to choose! Either Butterflies Flutter By or 100 Creative Nature Walks. My daughter would love either one!
Peaceful Ponds
My daughter would love the butterfly book
It’s really hard to choose because they all look very interesting, but I know without a doubt, my fours boys would enjoy the fungus among us and the frogs and toads!
The studies on creeks and ponds would be great, since we have easy access to both! And sometimes you never really know about all the things going on almost right under your nose, when you see a creek or pond all the time!
The butterfly or the creek one
I would love to have this for my son.
They all look great, but I think my boy would love Frogs & Toads. Creeks might be fun too 🙂
Butterflies. Because they are fascinating and so important to all of us
Good luck everyone!
This is so hard but without a doubt my two daughters would love the Spectacular Spiders or the Flying Creatures of the Night!
Thank you for offering this to us.
My daughters would absolutely love either the butterfly or nature walks books. They all look so fun!
I think 100+ easy and fun creative nature walks looks like a great book for my family to start our nature studies with. Thanks for hosting this giveaway.
We have used and loved many of these resources. Our favorite has been Hard as a Rock. The next two on our wishlist are Remarkable Rain and Captivating Clouds.
All of them look great! Except the spider one, that wouldn’t go over well here. LOL! I’d probably pick Constant Conifers.
It is a toss between the advent nature study and fun creative nature walks.
Butterflies are always my favorite!
These look great! Thanks for doing this.
We would choose the creeks one. 🙂
I love reading your stuff!
So many sound fabulous, but I’d like to start with Flying Creatures of the Night.