*Disclosure: I received a free CuriosityStream subscription for review purposes and am being compensated for my time. I am not required to give a positive review. As always, I am sharing my honest opinion with you.
We love watching videos in our homeschool. My kids always act like they are getting away with something when I give permission to watch an educational show. And I’ll be honest, I enjoy the occasional break from being the teacher.
We have streaming subscriptions for Netflix and Amazon Prime, and use them both to watch educational shows… when we can find them! I don’t usually have time to spend an hour or more digging through vague categories in search of an appropriate show for my kids to watch. And there is no way I am going to turn the job over to my kids because there are some categories that little (and big) eyes should not see.
When I first learned about CuriosityStream, I was immediately interested in exploring it further. CuriosityStream is the world’s first ad-free, on-demand streaming service for quality educational programs that both inspire and entertain. They are available whenever and wherever you want to watch on any internet-connected device. [Read more…]