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I had this great idea last year to plan a summer school for mom. I automatically go into planning mode towards the end of the school year, and can easily spend the entire summer researching curriculum and assembling courses if I’m not careful.
I decided to do something to further MY education during the summer while my kids are out swimming or hanging with friends. Take a look at my 2017 summer plans!
Book Club – I’m getting together with some of my mommy friends once a week to go through Tim Keller’s Ministries of Mercy. We want to learn how to reach out to our community through our church. Our weekly gathering will be an informal discussion while the kids are playing in the pool.
The rest of my summer school curriculum, like last year, will come from the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle. I am choosing 8 resources that would normally cost $167, but I’m paying less than $30 by purchasing the bundle. Plus I get 98 more eBooks & courses to explore!
I’m also getting the eReader upgrade, which is FREE if you order by 11:59 p.m. EST on Thursday, April 27th. This allows me to read all of the eBook files on my Kindle.
Here is what I’m choosing for my Summer School:
Curious Living Summit by Logan Wolfram (reg. $29.99)- covers topics ranging from Cultivating Curiosity in the Kitchen, Building Counter Cultural Friendships, Breaking the Busy Cycle and more
Steady Days: A Journey Toward Intentional, Professional Motherhood by Jamie Martin (reg. $11.95) – how to apply the same techniques of efficiency, intention, and purpose that you’ve used in other careers to your most important position in life–motherhood
Your Intentional Holiday: Heart & Home Planner by Victoria Osborn (reg. $10.00) – have a thoughtful, peaceful and joy-filled holiday season keeping your focus on what truly matters this year
Real Life Money Plan: Designing a Money Plan to Fit Your Real Life by Jessi Fearon (reg. $49.00) – an easy-to-follow course that will take you through the step-by-step process of learning to manage your money well and design a money plan that is custom-fit to your real life
Don’t Wait, Decorate!: An Encouraging Guide to Decorating by Chelsea Coulston (reg. $24.00) – step-by-step decorating guidance and encouragement with examples from real life decorating experiences
Streamline Your Side-Hustle: A Comprehensive Guide to Balancing Your Blog with the Rest of Your Life by Erin Mellon (reg. $15.00)
Adventures in Bible Journaling: An Extensive Beginner’s Guide to Art and Bible Journaling by Bethany Floyd (reg. $18.97) – tutorials, supply lists, and tips for Bible journaling
Low Sugar Treats, the Real Food Way by Laura Coppinger ($6.95) – recipes for sweet treats made with whole grains, healthy fats, and natural sweeteners
Take a look at everything that comes with the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle and choose your Summer School curriculum! This year’s collection includes a total of 106 resources: 51 ebooks, 28 ecourses and 27 printable packs & workbooks. It’s valued at almost $2000, and that’s not including the 10 bonus offers. All for only $29.97!
The Ultimate Homemaking Bundle is only available until May 1st, so grab yours soon. What is going on your Summer School list?
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