The Reformation is a very important part of world AND church history. We are spending extra time on this subject because the 500th anniversary of the Reformation is this year. I’ve rounded up some FREE Reformation Printable Resources that are perfect for a Reformation unit study.
*Note: Some of these may only be free temporarily for the anniversary. Please leave a comment if you find any changes, and I will adjust the list. Thanks!
Reformation Printables
Reformation Teacher Guide and Activity Book
Reformation Notbook Pages & Lapbook Pieces
Reformation Timeline (print at bottom)
Martin Luther Notebooking Page
Luther Rose Snowflake Template
Luther Mask & Life-size Silhouette
Martin Luther 12-week Unit Study
Johannes Gutenberg Notebook Page
Reformation Worksheets
- @ Mr. Ford’s Website
- @ Mr. Washington’s Webpage
- @ Your History Teacher
- The Age of Reformation
- Gutenberg Printing Press
- Reformation Word Search
Reformation Coloring Pages
- Reformation Day Countdown
- Reformation A – Z Coloring Book
- Ever Reforming Coloring Book
- Color-by-Number Luther Rose
- Five Solas
- Martin Luther
- Reformation Day
- A Mighty Fortress
My other History Resource Lists:
- Free Roman History Printables
- Free Early American History Printables
- Free Beowulf Resources & Study Guides
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An absolutely fabulous collection of links. Thank you!
What can I say but thank you.
Hungry for Gods truth and desiring to preach and teach Gods truth to others.
Came across your blog whilst looking for bible based activities to do with my grandchildren.
Appreciative Nana.