Disclosure: I received free curriculum for review purposes and am being compensated for my time. I am not required to give a positive review. As always, I am sharing my honest opinion with you.
Have you heard of CTCMath? A couple of my friends use this online math curriculum and encouraged me to try it out. I kind of brushed them off because we already have a shelf full of Teaching Textbook programs that all of my older kids have used. Those cost a pretty penny so I wasn’t interested in trying something new. Don’t fix what ain’t broke, right?
Well, guess what … this past year it broke. My 7th grader was really struggling with math and I knew she needed to try a different approach. For a split second, I insanely considered just quitting math for the year … that’s how bad it was.
Once I returned to my senses, I remembered how much my friends liked CTCMath so I decided to sign up for a free trial to see if it would work for my daughter. [Read more…]