My daughter started Chemistry 101 last year, and is finishing it this year – that is why this Chemistry resource list starts at chapter 6. I will add to the list as we cover each chapter, and I will try to get to the previous chapters as I have time.
Free Chemistry Resource Sites
Ch. 6
- watch- The Elements Animation
- watch- Types of Radiation
- read- Radiation & Radioactivity
- read- What is Nuclear Energy?
- play- Radtown game
- do- Calculate Your Radiation Dose
- print- The Periodic Table in Pictures
Ch. 7
- watch- The Periodic Table Song (slow)
- watch- The Periodic Table Song (fast)
- read- How the Periodic Table Works
- do- Name the Animals worksheet
- do- An Elemental Tale worksheet
- do- Identifying the Element worksheet
- do- The Periodic Table experiment in 24 Lessons that Rocked the World
Ch. 8
- watch – Easy Quantum Mechanics
- read – String Theory (note – section on Big Bang Theory as fact)
- read, watch, & play – Minecraft & Quantum Mechanics
- play – Periodic Table game