After a long search for a chore chart online, I found this one at Chart Jungle that works great for us. I filled one out for each child, put them in page protectors and we made a Chore Notebook. My kiddos enjoy looking at their chart and making sure they completed everything so they can get their monthly allowance. (They each get their age in money the last Friday of each month: 3 y.o. gets $3, 5 y.o. gets $5, etc.)
If the chart we use doesn’t work for you, I bet one of these will:
Editable chart with clip art scroll down about 1/2 way
The Idea Door has lots of ideas & age appropriate lists
Children’s Clean Room Challenge I’ve used this one – works great!
Run on over to Rocks In My Dryer for some great tips.
Tips I want to remember:
Thanks for all the great links! I am always looking for good chore chart stuff. I’m bookmarking this page so I can check them all out.
Have a great day.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Hey, thanks, Amy!!! I always love checking out the links you recommend! Hope you are feeling LOTS better! :o)