I am surrounded by strong, Godly women: my mom, my mother-in-law, my aunt, my sister, my sisters-in-law. My daughters!
I realize what a blessing it is!!
Hubby & I were talking the other day about the beauty of God’s family and it got me starting thinking about all of the Strong Women who have touched my life over the years. Their influence has been priceless.
I was a senior in high school when I met Susan. Her husband Jack was our new youth minister and everyone instantly fell in love with her. She is one of the most beautiful women I have ever known. Because there were always kids terrorizing hanging around her house, she would just carry on with her household tasks. She showed me how she folded her towels so that they would fit in a narrow cabinet – I have folded my towels that way for 20 years now!
I met Jenny for the first time when I walked into her house for my wedding shower. (She was the wife of my fiance’s boss.) They were known at church as The Family with All Those Little Kids – a whopping FOUR adorable stair-steppers! When I was a young mom, Jenny was my encourager. She told me to view it as the Terrific Twos and not the Terrible Twos. Invaluable!!
Amy and I worked together at a Christian bookstore. She was a little younger than me and customers often thought we were sisters. We spent our days chatting away about everything under the sun. I was raised in a conservative, sometimes narrow-minded denomination and (if I remember correctly) she was Pentecostal. I was shocked to discover that we held to many of the same Truths. She never knew (until now!) that she started me on my spiritual journey. I don’t even recognize the person I was then, though I wouldn’t change it if I could.
Angela & I became friends when we shared a room with a mutual friend at a Ladies Retreat. She was the first of my friends to have a baby and I will never forget visiting her in the hospital. I walked in the door and she immediately placed baby Sarah in my arms. I felt so honored! Angela has taught me what it is to be a fighter. She is fiercely loyal and deeply compassionate.
I met Tiersa at my wedding reception, not knowing then that we would be fast friends just a few years later. She is my Soul Sister. We had fun teaching preschool together, and meeting anywhere that had a playground so that we could sneak in a Bible study. She moved away, and though we still keep in touch via Facebook, there are some days that my heart longs for her company.
I can’t imagine what my life would look like had I never met Beverly. Her husband Rick was our new preacher. She taught me to be a warrior for my kids. I have heard her say at least 100 times that we have to be INTENTIONAL with our children. Beverly whispered words of encouragement to me through our son’s illness, not knowing that years later she would journey through the same darkness with the loss of her daughter. She continues to glorify God as He calls her to speak about their grief and tell her story.
“God has called our family to do hard, so we do hard.” ~Beverly Ross
Mary is my biggest cheerleader (outside of my family)! She is a Type-A June Cleaver Superwoman. We could not be more different. 🙂 Her children are grown & out of the house, and she relishes her new role as Nana. We have spent many years partnered in Women’s Ministry and know that we can rely on each other. She takes her role as an elder’s wife seriously as she encourages, advises, and instructs those of us who are in the midst of motherhood.
And then there is Kelli. She was a young mom & homeschooler when our paths first crossed. We are very different, yet very much the same. We no longer live near each other, but she still regularly impacts my life. She uses her gift of writing to stretch my faith and shower grace upon my thoughts. I am a better mother because she challenges me.
I am offering up these glimpses to encourage you to be a Strong Woman. To show you that it doesn’t take much to change someone’s life.
Gently give some needed advice … Pour God’s word out over those you love … Cheer on sisters who are not as far along in their journey as you!!
Be Strong Women
You are precious! Love you bunches!