As a mom of five little blessings, I don’t have a lot of time to fit personal reading into my schedule. I jumped at the chance to review The Old Schoolhouse WeE-books. They are short enough to read while feeding the baby or taking a coffee break, and they only cost $1.95! (And if you love notebooks like I do, you will appreciate the FREE binder cover.)
These are the three I chose:
A Naturally Clean Home ………. and Baby!
Get rid of the toxins in your environment and replace them with natural products. Lisa Barthuly will show you how to clean your home with just 5 household ingredients. She also has some info on the naturally clean baby, and includes 4!!! different wipes recipes.
I think I am going to print this out and read it every year! Deborah Wuehler gently reminds us that comparison and disappointment are signs that we are focusing on circumstances instead of God. Contentment only comes from focusing on Christ!
Entomology: The Study of Insects
Oh my! This one is full of creepy crawly things but, as the mom of a curious little boy who is fascinated by bugs, I plowed through. Dr. Heather W. Allen takes you on a tour of the interesting bugs her family has collected. (I hope I never run into a vinegarroon!)
I want to encourage you to go take a look at these wonderful little treasures called WeE-books. Whether you are a homeschool veteran or just starting out, there is something for everyone!