Nursery rhymes are an easy way to teach young children. They naturally love the playful rhythms and songs.
Nursery rhymes make a great co-op class too! I taught a preschool class and each week we would read the rhyme, act it out, and do a craft.
Here are some handy FREE resources:
Kiz Club word cards & clip art
A Rhyme a Week 30 weeks of lesson plans
First-School coloring pages, activities, crafts, seasonal themes
Nursery Rhyme ABCs find & circle the letters
DLTK worksheets, crafts, felt board
Virtual Vine unit studies
St. Aiden’s Activity Packs copywork
SparkleBox posters, masks, sequencing & more
Hubbard’s Cupboard Letter & Rhyme a Day units
Apples 4 the Teacher sorted by topic
PreKinders rhyme cards
Nursery Rhymes – Kids Camp youtube channel
Pre-K Literacy activities, printables, & diplomas
Nursery Rhyme Units 1st grade
Pick Your Word colorful story cards for games
Sense in Nonsense math & science activities
The Secret History of Nursery Rhymes for curiosity’s sake